
Things to Live By

Message For The People
Things to Live By
Poems By Knockamechee Pharoh
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1. Never compromise who you are for anyone.
2. Never take in negative energy and allow it to control you.
3. Always tell the truth. As long as your right God will back you.
4. Always listen to your spirit or bliss.
5. Never think you know a person as well as you think, there is always a part that you don't know.
6. Love yourself. That is the only way you can receive love in its eternity.
7. Always forgive those who hurt you but never forget the lesson within the hurt.
8. Always take care of your brother or sister even if they are not from your bloodline because you still have the same father, God.
9. Always take care of your body. Put in what you take out so after the years go by, you don't suffer more than necessary.
10. Always say your prayers before you go to sleep and before you start your day. You never know what could happen.
11. If you have a child, that is your first priority no matter what.

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